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When was the last time you took a day to yourself?.Have you taken a break this week to unwind?.

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Like sleeping, eating, and breathing, self-care should be a priority rather than something we push to the bottom of our to-do list. But sleeping should not be our only form of self-care-it’s a necessity on its own. Our minds do not have the capacity to run at high-speed 24/7, which is why having a proper amount of sleep is so important to restore energy. Read on for our favorite self-care quotes and mantras that will aid you in taking care of yourself and help you practice self-love. Whether you’re working towards that promotion, a degree balancing a career and motherhood-or even a career and a personal life-, recognize that self-care requires a balance between work you and/or mom and the rest of you. You get to the tail end of your day to relax but you either use your time to take care of things at home, numb yourself with bad TV that doesn’t require much thought, or drop on the bed, lay your head and fall asleep in a stressful state-only to do it all again the next day. If you’re like most of us, your time is mostly filled with taking care of everything and everyone but yourself. That philosophy? Recognizing that you’re worth your time. Instead of thinking about self care as an action, start by thinking of it as a philosophy. You even think about it sometimes, but it doesn’t always drive you to action or move to the top of your priority list. Perhaps it lives somewhere in the back of our minds between faint but still accessible memories of your favorite summer and lyrics to that song you listened to on repeat a few years ago but have since replaced with another. The idea of self-care isn’t always front and center to everyone. Not only is it unnatural to live in this state for extended periods of time it’s unhealthy, too. Living in a constant state of stress and work is not living at all though it’s existing in a self-made state of fight or flight. We forget to take care of-or love-ourselves because we’re too busy taking care of and loving others. We push our bodies and minds to keep up with impossible standards of productivity, achievement and beauty. We work until we can barely keep our eyes open.

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